Quran Burning
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Jesus in Matthew 10:16
I've never seen a sheep interviewed about its feeling on wolves, but I would understand if the time came when the sheep would dream of revenge. Yet Jesus told His followers that He was sending them out as sheep among wolves.
This is certainly counter-cultural. There is a saying, "never bring a knife to a gunfight." Jesus sent us out into the gunfight without a gun or a knife. We are sent as sheep among wolves. The Florida pastor has expressed a desire to respond to the provocation of 9/11—but Jesus warned us that His people would not have a level playing field—we are sheep among wolves.
This sheep among wolves principle speaks against the actions of the pastor and church in Florida as they plan to burn copies of the Quran this weekend. They are marking the anniversary of 9/11 in a way that has garnered attention from around the world.
Actually, it's the entire verse that speaks against this burning. Stirring up the indignation of Muslims hardly seems to be shrewd as snakes. Stoking a fire and throwing the Quran into the flames is not acting as innocent as doves.
The big media story last month was the proposed Muslim mosque near Ground Zero. Few American deny their right to build it, but most who oppose the idea want those planning it to understand their responsibility to take into account the feelings of people who do not share their religious beliefs. This month the media has flocked to a small church which likewise has the right to do something inflammatory, but it needs to recognize its responsibility to be both shrewd and innocent.
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